Home Healthy How Much Avocado Should We Eat Day?

How Much Avocado Should We Eat Day?

Avocado has gained prestige as one of the healthiest fruits (yes, fruits). His fame is so great that even jokes have been created about how important it is to have avocado in a house or how tragic it is to find avocado after eating.

But seriously, no matter how delicious and nutritious the avocado is, we should not exceed our consumption, and nutrition expert Sonya Angelone tells us why.

Avocados are rich in nutrients and provide “good” fats; that is, fats that benefit cardiovascular health, reduce negative cholesterol and regulate sugar levels. Avocado in particular is related even to the release of serotonin and omega 3, which improves mood.

However, Sonya Angelone published in Women’s Health that half an avocado a day is the recommended dose for an average person. The reason is related to the fact that an avocado is equivalent to 250 calories and contains at least 21 grams of fat that, although it is monounsaturated fat, when consumed in large quantities and during every day can result in an excess.

In fact, a woman with an average diet needs about six servings of fat a day, which equals the total amount of a single avocado. That is, eating an avocado a day would be exceeding the amount you require of fat on average, as it will hardly be the only fat consumption you will have in those 24 hours.

Therefore, we recommend consuming the avocado in moderate amounts, but keeping it in the diet. Its benefits are many, but its excess can be harmful. Once again, balance is the key to healthy eating.

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